Spring Collection 2022

New Eden Cosmetics launched March 2021 and it has been a roller coaster ever since. 15.7K Tik Tok followers later and we have gained a family.

The bible is a story of love, the love from a mighty God that created the heavens and earth and is planning a New Earth. A New Eden where his children will live in complete wholeness with Him. Every book in the bible, every word within those pages are God-breathed and eternal. New Eden Cosmetic products are completely founded on and inspired by scripture. For our newest collection we wanted to highlight a book that may often get overlooked. In the old testament we see the early glimpse of a loving father who chases after us. Who does whatever it takes to redeem and deliver His people. 

In step with the Spring season our New 2022 collection will be the book of Exodus! The Book of Exodus is a record of the events of Israel’s deliverance from egypt and development as a nation. It is an exciting story of Gods guidance and explores an array of themes such as:




Ten Commandments 

The Nation 

Exodus is filled with evidence of God' glory and mighty hand. “Continuing the history of Israel from the point where the Book of Genesis leaves off, Exodus recounts the Egyptian oppression of Jacob’s ever-increasing descendants and their miraculous deliverance by God through Moses, who led them across the Red Sea to Mount Sinai where they entered into a covenant with the Lord. Covenantal laws and detailed prescriptions for the tabernacle (a portable sanctuary foreshadowing the Jerusalem Temple) and its service are followed by a dramatic episode of rebellion, repentance, and divine mercy.’

Exodus is a pivotal moment in our history and we at New Eden Cosmetics cannot wait to deliver these new products to you. As we look within Exodus to unravel the truths God wants us to highlight and engrave within our products. We are filled with excitement for everything God has done, is doing and will do. Thank you for joining us in this journey, see you soon!

"God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”1 And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: rI am has sent me to you.’ ” Exodus 3:14 ESV


New Eden Cosmetics



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